
Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas is a dangerous time for Muslim school children in the West

Now that Christmas festivities are behind us it is a good time to reflect on the effect they may have had on the next generation of Muslims growing up in the West.

Christmas is a well established religious and cultural event in the West. Though a majority of the population has rejected Christianity as a belief system, the Christian religion has had a profound effect on western culture. In the run-up to Christmas it is usual to enact the mythical stories relating to the birth of Christ and to venerate him as “son of God” by singing hymns and carols. 

For nominally Christian families it is all good fun as they participate in the playacting and singing of hymns and carols.  They simply do not let their absence of belief affect their enjoyment of the music and the playacting, which are treated merely as cultural phenomena. This may, at best, be considered mildly hypocritical for people who have lost faith in Christianity and pass themselves off as agnostics or atheists.

What about Muslim children though? That is, children from families who are staunchly Muslim and the concepts of
Tawheed [توحید : Oneness، divinity belonging to a single God, the One – الواحد ] and
Shirk [ شرک  -  attributing divinity to a created being]
are absolutely fundamental to their Islamic faith. 

In the Quran, Shirk is referred to as unpardonable. For a Muslim child to engage in the “celebrations” in the traditional Christmassy manner would be not just hypocritical but sacrilegious and blasphemous. Playing fast and loose with Quranic injunctions makes a mockery of God’s Guidance for mankind, which is what the Quran is.

This is a growing problem as an increasing number of Muslim families fail to get across to their children the essential meaning of Kalimah Tayyeba [کلمہ طیبہ ] and Surah Ikhlaas [سورہٴ اخلاص ]. The concept of a God who is beyond their senses but can be perceived through the many Attributes or Beautiful Names [ اسماء الحسنیٰ  ] appears to be alien for most Muslim children. Influenced by the prevailing atmosphere around them, more and more Muslim parents seem to be taking a relaxed view as their children cavort around on the school stage in much the same way as non-Muslim children do. At home, a glowing Christmas tree holds out the promise of presents from Santa Claus on Christmas Day!

Is Islam dying in the West, knocked out by the double whammy of modernist parents and mullah-worship of ignorant Muslims?


Below are some of the “Beautiful Names” ( اسماء الحسنیٰ ), Attributes of God, which are mentioned in the Quran. There are many more. These help Muslims to understand the Majesty, Power, Mercy and Justice of the One God, the Creator of all that exists.

Ar-Rahmaan   The Exceedingly Merciful/Compassionate   الرحمان 
Al-Khaaliq      The Creator                                             الخالق 
Al-Vaahid       The One/Unique                                       الواحد 
As-Salaam     The Peace                                               السلام 
Ar-Razzaaq     The Provider/Sustainer                             الرزاق 
Al-Jaleel         The Majestic                                           الجلیل 
Al-Hakeem      The Wise                                                الحکیم 
Al-Vadood       The Loving                                              الودود                                       
Al-Haadi         The Guide                                              الهادی 
Al-Muhyi         The Giver of Life                                     المحیی 
An-Noor          The Light                                                 النور 
Al-Haqq           The Truth/The Reality                               الحق 
Al-Hakam         The Judge/Arbiter                                    الحکم 
As-Samad        The Eternal/ Everlasting                          الصمد 
Al-Hafeez         The Protector                                         الحفیظ 
Al-Kareem        The Bountiful/Generous                           الکریم 
Al-Aziz              The Powerful/ Irresistible                         العزیز    
Ar-Raheem       The Merciful/ Compassionate                   الرحیم   
Al-Avval            The First                                                 الاول 
Al-Aakhir           The Last                                                  الآخر 
Az-Zaahir          The Outermost/ The Evident                     الظاھر 
Al-Baatin           The Innermost/ Hidden                            الباطن 
Al-Ghafoor         The One who Forgives                              الغفور 
Al-Aleem            The Possessor of Knowledge                      العلیم 
As-Samee           The One who Hears                                 السميع 
Al-Hameed          The Praiseworthy                                     الحمید 
Al-Vaase              The Vast/All-Embracing/The Omnipresent  الواسع 
Al-Valee               The Friend/Helper                                     الولی 
Al-Qaadir             The All-Powerful                                       القادر 
Al-Mutakabbir       The Supreme                                          المتکبر 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Lesser Evilism in the US Oligarchy

In my family there was a widespread acceptance that the presidential election in the US Oligarchy was being contested by two “evil” personalities. The disagreement arose on which of the two was the Lesser Evil. In the morning of November 9, with Donald Trump’s triumphant face dominating TV screens, a member of my family announced that the Lesser Evil had won, which seemed quite obvious to me. However, that announcement was immediately contradicted. I came to realise that the general feeling in my family was to regard him as the Greater Evil.

In the run-up to the presidential election, Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks released thousands of emails hacked from the email account of John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The mainstream media (MSM), owned and controlled by the oligarchs, did its best to suppress the startling revelations in these emails and keep the public in the dark. The true face of Hillary Clinton was shielded behind a veil spun from MSM lies and disinformation. People who are content to get their news from the MSM tend to form a view of Clinton which bears little resemblance to reality. By contrast, Trump was hammered mercilessly, his shameful misdeeds shouted from the rooftops for all to hear. In any case, this supremely narcissistic man appeared to be his own worst enemy, judging by the filthy things he said in pursuit of votes.

The post-election commentaries in the MSM by so-called “liberals” and “progressives”, shameless touts of the US Oligarchy, show that these pen-pushers are blind and deaf to the revolt against the Established Order, which is spreading rapidly. Its first manifestation occurred with the Brexit vote in the UK and, as Trump made clear, it has spread to the US as Brexit Plus, Plus, Plus. Western media, firmly under the control of oligarchs, have become vehicles for disseminating disinformation and for perpetuating the rule of the oligarchs in the post-Orwellian unreal world in which we are forced to live today.

I had entertained hopes of finding realistic reporting in the Urdu language media of Pakistan. Only for those hopes to be cruelly dashed! Most commentators appeared to be regurgitating the propaganda being peddled in the western MSM. A journalist I hold in high regard was contrasting the “uncouth and uncivilised” Trump with the “dignified, smiling lady with great experience of statecraft”! As for Pakistan’s English language media, the presstitutes bought out by the US oligarchs obediently toed the official line, lamenting Clinton’s loss and making fun of Trump.

So, why was woman Clinton the Greater Evil? Below I have itemised some pointers. A fuller list would make the blog very long. Thanks to the existence of independent media which publicised the Podesta Emails, the Machiavellian intrigues that go on within the Democratic Party are now well understood.

1. Clinton was the agent of the neoliberal oligarchy that rules the West. If Trump is the price we have to pay to defeat neoliberalism then that price is worth paying. While the globalist oligarchs have grown immeasurably rich, the working class and the middle classes in USA have suffered terribly.
[neoliberalism: economic policies such as privatization, fiscal austerity, deregulation, “free trade”, reduction in government spending so as to increase the role of the private sector in economy and society]

2. Clinton openly talked about a nuclear war with Russia and China, and she had no qualms about the US being the first to use nuclear weapons in any conflict with these countries. Her insistence on a no-fly zone over sovereign Syria would have meant a head-on clash with Russia, leading to World War III and a possible annihilation of humanity on earth.

    3.  With the help of the criminal governments of France and the UK, Secretary of State “Hitlery” Clinton destroyed the most prosperous state in Africa, the welfare state of Libya, which planned to ditch the dollar in favour of a gold-backed dinar (“we came, we saw, he died”, Killary cackled over the tragic death of President Gaddafi). Not for nothing is she referred to as “Hitlery” and “Killary”.

    4.  This scheming woman then turned her attention to sovereign Syria which had not only abandoned the dollar but also refused to allow an oil pipeline from Qatar to pass through its territory on its way to Turkey and Europe. She let loose the mad dogs of CIA, the terrorists ISIS/Al-Qaeda/Jabhat al-Nusra etc, on Syria. Syria fought back bravely, eventually appealing to Russia for help. The arrival of Russians on the scene, at the end of September 2015, was a game changer. The Syrian army began to win back the territory it had lost to the evil alliance of US, Nato, Israel and the Gulf states. The cost to Syrian people is incalculable: half the population was uprooted as infrastructure was deliberately destroyed and people lost the means to survive. Some half-million died while millions more were maimed or wandered about as refugees.

    5.  The money laundering machine, The Clinton Foundation, was a fake charity. Millions of dollars came pouring in from donors in return for various favours, referred to as “pay-to-play”.

    6.   “Crooked Hillary” became Democratic presidential candidate as a result of widespread rigging of primaries against her opponent Bernie Sanders.

    7.   Physically and mentally sick Clinton would have been a worse puppet than Obama in the hands of The Oligarchy. Most of Obama’s cabinet had been chosen for him long before he won the election in 2008 (see this). Probably a worse fate awaited the sick Clinton.

     8.  The Podesta Emails are said to contain references to the Clintons’ frequent travels in the “Lolita Express”, which flew them to a holiday island where the morally corrupt, utterly depraved oligarchs gathered to indulge in their vile practices.


The 2016 US presidential election was atypical in that one of the two principal presidential candidates, Trump, was outside the control of the Oligarchy and the Military-Security complex (collectively, the Deep State). The non-stop propaganda about “democracy” is so much eyewash to deceive the public. Two of my earlier blogs deal with this subject, here and here.

What of the future? My guess is that, within a year Trump will have been tamed sufficiently for the Deep State to carry on much as before. If Trump proves too obstinate and tries to bring the Deep State under his control he faces possible assassination. According to Paul Craig Roberts: “If Trump is actually successful in curbing the power and budget of the military/security complex and in holding Wall Street politically accountable, he could be assassinated.”

As for the depravity and satan-worship of the ruling class, revealed by the Podesta emails, you can learn more by clicking this link:
What Podesta emails reveal

Saturday, May 28, 2016

بحریہ ٹاؤن لاہور: ایک بے روح بستی

لاہور تیزی سےبدل رہا ہے- مالدار لوگوں کو بسانے کے لئے نئی بستیاں ابھر رہی ہیں- عام لوگوں سے الگ تھلگ، بڑے بڑے پھاٹکوں اور فصیلوں کے پیچھے یہ "محفوظ" اور بے روح بستیاں یورپ اور امریکہ کے شہروں کی بھونڈی شکل اختیار کئے ہوۓ ہیں- انہی بستیوں میں غالباً سب سے بڑی "بحریہ ٹاؤن" ہے جسے بنانے والا ملک ریاض حسین وہی شخص ہے جس نے زرداری کو اس کے دور صدارت میں ایک عالیشان رہائش گاہ بنا کر تحفتاً دی تھی- بحریہ ٹاؤن ایک ایسا آئنہ ہے جس میں پاکستان کے براؤن صاحبان اپنی غلامانہ ذہنیت کا عکس بڑی وضاحت سے دیکھ سکتے ہیں-

شہر آباد کر کے شہر کے لوگ 
اپنے اندر بکھرتے جاتے ہیں            
                         [جون ایلیا ]

ملک ریاض نے مغرب کی اندھا دھند نقالی کو اپنی اولین ترجیح بنایا ہے- اس کا اچھا پہلو یہ ہے کہ سڑکیں کشادہ اور صاف ستھری ہیں اور لوگوں کی جان و مال کی حفاظت کا معقول انتظام ہے- اگر ان اچھی باتوں کو اختیار کر کے ملک ریاض پاکستانیت کا عنصر اس نو آباد شہر میں داخل کر دیتا تو "بحریہ" لاھور کی ایک حسین بستی بن سکتی تھی- لیکن "ترقی" کا نعرہ لگانے والوں کے لئے ترقی کا مفہوم یہ ہے کہ اپنی شناخت اور روایات کو مٹا کر امریکیوں کی زبان، تہذیب اور قدروں کو گلے لگایا جائے- سڑکوں، دوکانوں، مسجدوں اور دل بہلانے کی جگہوں کے نام سب انگریزی میں ہیں- کہیں کہیں انگریزی کے ساتھ اردو کی تحریر بھی نظر آ جاتی ہے ورنہ بھاری اکثریت انگریزی میں ہی ہے- جامعہ مسجد کے باہر آپ کو صرف Jamia Mosque نظر آے گا اور عمر مسجد کے اوپر Omer Mosque کے بڑے بڑے حروف آپ کا منہ چڑا رہے ہوں گے-
تھا جو ناخوب بتدریج وہی خوب ہوا 
کہ غلامی میں بدل جاتا ہے قوموں کا ضمیر

ملک ریاض سے درخواست ہے کہ ہر انگریزی کی عبارت کے ساتھ اردو کی تحریر ضرور لگانی چاہئیے- اس ضمن میں لاہور چھاؤنی اور"ڈیفنس" کے علاقے میں ہمارے فوجیوں نے بدترین ذہنی غلامی کی مثال  پیش کی ہے، جس کی تقلید کی ضرورت نہیں تھی- لاہور کے مغرب پرست طبقے کے لئے امریکی برگروں، پیزوں اور کوک کا معقول انتظام ہے- ایسی خوراک لوگوں کی صیحت پہ اثرانداز ہونے کے علاوہ زرمبادلہ امریکہ کو منتقل کرنے کا باعث بنتی ہے- غیر ملکی قرضوں میں جکڑا ہوا پاکستان اس کا متحمّل نہیں ہو سکتا-
یورپ کی غلامی پہ رضا مند ہوا تو 
مجھ کو گلہ تجھ سے ہے یورپ سے نہیں ہے 

مذاق  اپنا اپنا   

اپنے اپنے ذوق کی بات ہے- اگر آپ کو بحریہ میں پیرس کا آیفل ٹاور نظر آ جائے یا قدیم مصر کے نوادرات تو آپ کو کیسا لگے گا؟ 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The rise and rise of Islamophobia

The devilish campaign of demeaning Islam and humiliating Muslims continues unabated. My last two blogs, HERE and HERE , dealt in detail with how western governments and the mainstream media owned by transnational corporations are colluding in this evil undertaking. The latest act was played out in Brussels on 22 April, where bombs went off at the airport and a metro station, killing 34 people and wounding some 280 more.

The mainstream newspapers and TV networks are going full blast with tales of terrorists whom the formidable intelligence and police forces, enjoying unprecedented powers, could not stop. After the event, pictures are shown of two men, said to be brothers, wheeling trolleys through the airport with a gloved hand while the other hand is bare.  We are asked to believe – without being presented any evidence whatsoever - that the gloves hide the detonators! Does it not occur to the security agencies that this claim amounts to an admittance of gross negligence for failing to have the gloves removed? We are told further that the brothers are suicide bombers who died in the aftermath of the explosions! Very convenient. Those accused in the Paris and San Bernardino massacres also laid down their lives to allow the authorities’ lies and smears to go unchallenged. As in Paris, the alleged perpetrators have criminal backgrounds and had spent time in prisons. They were under surveillance by the security agencies, who were also fully aware of their trips to Syria and back.

The terrified citizens of western Europe have now got to a point where they will believe anything that the authorities tell them and they will readily barter away their civic rights and freedoms for the illusory security of a post-Orwellian state. To strike more terror into their hearts it is being said that the terrorists belonged to ISIS. Since they were allowed to travel freely to Syria and back while under surveillance, this claim is actually an admission that ISIS is being controlled by the West. But the frightened Europeans, fed on a diet of lies and disinformation, are too befuddled to see that the finger of suspicion is pointing towards their own governments who finance, train and arm these terrorists and mercenaries with criminal backgrounds. Invariably, the terrorists are irreligious people with a Muslim background whose sentimental attachment to Islam can be easily exploited by drilling into them a hideously distorted version of Islam. 

The cowed and terrified populations of western Europe and North America have been dehumanised to such an extent that they barely protest when USA and NATO invade Muslim countries, mercilessly murdering millions of Muslims and rendering millions more refugees. Their wrath is reserved for the victims while the murderous war criminals escape censure. One country that benefits enormously from the carnage visited upon the western populations is Israel, which loses no opportunity to whip up Islamophobia. The day after the Brussels atrocity, Israel’s Minister of Transport and Intelligence, Yisrael Katz, said: “If in Belgium they continue eating chocolate and enjoying life, and continue to appear as great democrats and liberals, and not decided that some Muslims in their country are [organising] terror, they won’t be able to fight them.” Here is the newspaper report: Israeli minister lectures Belgians

The role of the USA, NATO, Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states in the creation and financing of terrorist organisations has been largely suppressed in the mainstream media. Most people are lazy and they accept what the mainstream media tell them. To know the truth one has to make an effort to seek it out from the independent media on the internet. Here is one example of what the independent media can tell you about the reality of "terrorism": Terrorism merges into counter-terrorism

The reality of the mainstream media, owned and controlled by multi-billionaires, who also sponsor politicians to protect their interests in legislative assemblies, can be gleaned from this report: Illusion of free media

TAILPIECE 24 March, 2016

I learnt today that the security at Brussels airport is in the hands of ICTS, a firm which is run by former members of Israeli internal security agency. This firm is responsible for airport security at several American and European airports. It has been involved in several "security lapses" involving "Muslim terrorists", including the 2001 Triple Towers outrage of 9/11 in New  York and the 7/7/2005 bloodbath in London. The full report is below:

An unbelievable tale of Israeli Intelligence Operatives 

Second TAILPIECE : 25 March 2016

It is getting weirder and weirder. It seems the images that have been issued to the public are fake. Those who planned the massacres and killed the patsies who allegedly exploded the bombs have gone to a lot of trouble to hide their identity. A classic false flag operation! Click on link below:

What is true what is fake?

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